Saturday, June 8, 2013

Welcome to the Sci-Fi State

If you heard that ‘I told you so,’ it arose from the grave of the nearest deceased Sci-Fi writer in response to the recently leaked National Security Administration surveillance program.

With the advent of great technology comes the opportunity to use technology.  And in the case of the United States government, technology and rubber stamp courts have provided the opportunity to monitor the private actions of citizens in the name of security.

As reported by the Guardian and Washington Post, a program named PRISM is now the largest info aggregate for raw intelligence used by the NSA.  Through PRISM, the U.S. government is intercepting and cataloguing consumer data from online giants and telecom companies for use in surveillance activities.

Since the program’s revelation on June 6, there was a bit of outrage, understandably, but the reaction has been strikingly subdued.  Sure, some people were upset, but this scandal feels a bit highbrow and we are fighting Terrorism, right?  So can we get back to Benghazi?

Libertarians will tell you such sweeping surveillance should be a Clear Violation of our Guaranteed Constitutional rights.  And they’re right:

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized

So where are the Protectors of Constitutional Rights?  Many politicians that recently called to Arms to protect to Constitution stand markedly quiet as the Fourth Amendment is endlessly bludgeoned in the name of security.  The Irony isn’t lost here.

But is it doing its job?  Even with a tip from a foreign government and seemingly unlimited surveillance ability, how do attacks like Boston, or even Fort Hood, continue?

The government is data mining its citizenship.  What else can they use that data for?

Some will tell you the program has had results.  Others will claim it hasn’t done enough.  But the government is clearly willing to ignore Constitutional Rights.  With the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court rubber stamping and supposed oversight functions comatose, the surveillance state has been born.

Welcome to the real life Sci-Fi novel.

Image via Wikipedia.


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